Wellness in the Workplace Matters

Have you heard? Corporate wellness is trending, and we’re here for it (literally, contact us for more info!)! With employees both in the office and WFH  prioritizing employee health and wellness is a top priority that pays off. Research shows, companies with workplace wellness programs report a 66% productivity increase and 61% of participants make healthier lifestyle choices. Impressive stats right? Here at Real Nutrition we regularly engage with a variety of companies (in person and virtually) to lead nutrition talks – hour long sessions focusing on nutrition tips that everyone can benefit from. We make it fun, provide useful giveaways and even revamp office kitchens and pantries to ensure healthy snacks are available for fun and fuel! In case you are looking to include this in your business or know someone who is, let’s dive into what makes corporate wellness a positive workplace addition. 

  • Improves health and quality of life
    • Research shows that employees in good health are more likely to deliver optimal performance in the workplace and take fewer sick days 
  • High return on investment
    • A meta-analysis of research on wellness programs found a roughly three-to-one return on investment for health-improving interventions
  • Increases employee satisfaction
    • Harvard researchers looked at the ROI of corporate wellness programs and found that for every dollar wellness programs spend on wellness, $2.73 was saved and absenteeism was reduced
  • Improves retention rate
    • When companies offer wellness programs, it shows they care about the physical and mental health of their employees, which may contribute to a healthier, happier work environment 
  • Boosts company culture and moral 
    • High productivity typically encourages positive feelings and increased rates of self-efficacy, which may lead to higher profits and less HR costs 

Interested in incorporating corporate wellness at your place of work? We can help! Real Nutrition NYC’s Corporate Wellness Program is tailor-made to meet the goals of each individual client. From large corporations to small start-ups our programs are crafted to meet your needs where you are or as you grow. Please reach out for further details and availability.