Spring has sprung and we are psyched! At Real Nutrition we naturally find ourselves craving bright, crisp and hydrating ingredients that make us feel ALIVE and lighter on our feet! Another seasonal side effect we’ve noticed is we lean a little harder on tea instead of coffee for energy and health boosting benefits! Tea is an easy and tasty way to add nourishing herbs and spices to our daily diet to fight inflammation (turmeric and ginger), detox/debloat (hello Dandelion), decrease allergies (Nettle is our go-to) and boost energy (Matcha we are looking at you!). Bonus points too since it’s hydrating, DIY, versatile (hot or iced) and can crush cravings -from sweets to alcohol- naturally. From loose-leaf to tea bags, green, black, white, herbal, Pu-erh and oolong, caffeinated to decaf your choices are many! We won’t leave you hanging here so keep reading to learn about our favorite teas and go to brands we keep stocked in our pantries! Boil some water, pull up a chair and join us for afternoon tea won’t you?
A type of green tea made from shaded tea leaves that are finely ground into a powder that is consumed, not steeped. Mild in flavor, matcha is growing in popularity (matcha latte anyone?). Anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants research shows it may boost metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity and decrease cholesterol levels. DIY: Add water to ceremonial matcha powder (We love Matchaful) and combine with a bamboo whisk. Enjoy hot or cold with a splash of your favorite milk!
Black Tea
Black tea has a robust flavor thanks to its long oxidation process which not only intensifies flavor but tannins, antioxidants and caffeine. Black tea boosts energy, promotes heart health, may decrease LDL cholesterol levels, fight cancers and promote healthy gut bacteria. (We love The Republic of Tea’s Earl Greyer)
Green Tea
Fun fact, made with the same tea leaves as matcha, just harvested sooner (less caffeine) and steeped, not ground. Rich in antioxidants known as catechins which may boost metabolism and support weight loss. Green tea may also promote heart health, balance blood sugar levels, decrease likelihood of Alzheimers and fight some cancers. (We love Numi Tea’s Gunpowder Green Tea)
Lavender Tea
Lavender is known for its calming effects. We often see it used as an essential oil, but did you know it can also be used as tea? De-stress by brewing a cup of lavender tea before bedtime and relax into better sleep! Don’t forget to inhale those wonderful aromas! (We love, Rishi Lavender Mint tea bags).
Peppermint Tea
Looking for a tea with a refreshing and sweet flavor? Peppermint tea is a delicious choice! A herbal tea that promotes digestion, relaxation and fresh breath we find it invigorating! Steep it with lemon or add in your favorite fruit for an unexpected experience! ( We love Traditional Medicinals Peppermint Tea)
Non-tea tea:
Barley Tea
Not actually a tea at all! Made by boiling roasted barley (a grain), this nutty/woody flavored drink is popular in many Asian countries and can be enjoyed hot or iced. It is soothing, promotes digestive health, balances blood sugar and may promote weight loss! Enjoy it any time of day as it is caffeine free and promotes better sleep. (We love this Organic Tea easily found on Amazon)
We are only just beginning. Take a trip down any tea aisle and choose your own adventure.