Top trends from expo east

Top Trends from Expo East

Twice a year, every year, the Natural Products Expo occurs, where a TON of natural food companies converge onto one location to show off their healthy food and snacks that follow and inspire the latest health trends.  Most of these products eventually make their way onto Whole Foods store shelves and popular health blogs, but I get to get my …

Which deli sandwich is the healthiest

Which Deli Sandwich is Healthiest?

Recently, I was featured in an article in Healthyish, by Bon Appetit, that was all about deli sandwiches. As you know, I advocate for making meals at home whenever possible. However, what if a deli sandwich was the only lunch option? What about when you crave one? This article got me to really think about the different nutritional components of …

Mommy snacks to pack in your diaper bag

Mommy Snacks to Pack in your Diaper Bag

I wrote this post for Matriarc Mom. Go check out their website!  Being a healthy, on the go mom can seem like an impossible feat. Trust me, I know. But it doesn’t have to be difficult! On those day when you have too many things to do, and not enough time to eat, it is helpful to have healthy snacks …

Hidden sources of sugar in your food

Hidden Sources of Sugar in Your Food

Being healthy today can be difficult. For example, our society loves sugar. And, no, I’m not talking about natural sugars found in fruit and vegetables. The real problem is added sugar. Just a few years ago, studies found that Americans were consuming over 60 pounds of sugar a year. Sixty pounds! That’s around 70 grams per day. We should be …