Feel like you need a map to get through the tempting supermarket aisles? As a NYC girl, I totally get overwhelmed by the dizzying array of choices! (This was me in the suburbs out West!) Here are some tips so you too can grocery shop like a pro:
➡️ Stick to the perimeter: This is where the freshest foods are like fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood and dairy.
➡️ Flip the package: Words like “natural” and “healthy” can be misleading. Always flip the package and read the ingredients list—fewer ingredients, fewer problems.
➡️ Plan ahead: Have a game plan and list (also don’t shop hungry!) to prevent impulse buys that can derail your diet!
➡️ Hit the Freezer: Here you’ll find fast and healthy meals when you don’t have time to cook! Frozen fruit/veggies, veggie/turkey burgers, bone broth, cauliflower pizza crusts & shrimp are my musts!
Contact me so we can work together to personalize your list! My meal plans come with detailed grocery lists to help you cut through the clutter.