The Rules I Give My Clients About Drinking School

Let’s be realistic here! As a Registered Dietitian living and working in New York City, my clients usually drink alcohol. These are a few of the strategies I go over with them so they can incorporate it into a healthy lifestyle. Pick your number for the week: I usually recommend seven drinks or less, male or female. And that doesn’t …

When Should I Eat My Meals Each Day ?

While every day is different and everyone is different, I usually use this simple equation to help people figure out when they should organize their meals. First, I recommend eating breakfast within two hours of waking up. Then I would recommend eating meals about three to four hours spread apart. If you eat breakfast at 9 AM, then I would …

My Favorite On-Hand Ingredients for Hydration

My favorites include coconut water completely natural, with no artificial colors or flavors, and avocado which contains potassium naturally. Bananas potassium, and lemons contain more electrolytes and also have vitamin C. Chia seeds capture and hold on to water and therefore help to hydrate you from the inside out.  For hydration on the go, Moon Juice has new branded electrolytes and …

Our Favorite Tools To Keep2024 As Healthy As Ever

Three weeks of January are already over and done. This is the final push for many who are completing New Year resolutions for 30 days (Whole30, Dry January to name a few).  Bravo to those of you who are still at it, truly this is a huge accomplishment as research shows 43% of resolutioners give up by the end of …

Is A Zero-Calorie Oreo Good For Your Diet?

So if weight loss is one of your goals or for your New Year’s resolutions, and you are trying to lose weight by cutting out sweets and therefore introducing things like this zero-calorie cookie. I’m going to tell you now that will not work – long term definitely not going to work.  The reasons for this include one as your …

Exactly What to Order to Stay on Track When Dining Out

As a registered dietitian living and working in New York City, this is what I tell my clients who are worried about group dinners. One, do not arrive hungry, always have a snack before you show up. You want to spoil your appetite this way to be more in control of the portion that you consume. So you don’t really …

We Need to Talk About the Carnivore Diet

The craziest thing about is the carnivore diet. Is the carnivore diet…Why? Because in the carnivore diet, all you eat is animal meats. So that’s this poultry, steak, and eggs. That’s it. What you are emitting, of course, are sugars and simple carbs and processed foods, but you’re also omitting plants, fruits, vegetables, whole grains also nuts, seeds, and avocados. …

2024 Is Bringing the Good Energy

As you know, I am always researching the latest nutrition trends, and the predictions for 2024 are both exciting and promote ingredients I want to see more of. From cacao to spice to caffeine, the flavors and health benefits are coming for us this year in a really exciting way!  One trend that I know we can all get behind …

Is There a “Formula” for Weight Loss?

What happens is when you’re trying to lose weight, we want to burn fat. However, the first thing that your body goes to for energy is carbohydrates, which is actually sugar in the blood. And when you have sugar in the blood, your insulin increases, and that is your fat storage forming. So therefore, when you’re trying to lose fat, …