Well it isn’t news that we’re in uncharted territory right now with the immediate future unknown and our daily routines out of whack. We’re uncertain, we’re emotional, and if we’re being honest we lack a sense of control. In times like this I like to focus on what I do have control over like what I eat, my behavior around …
5 Tips to Stay Motivated this Winter
This may sound harsh because you’re probably wrapped in a scarf and layered in a big sweater right now but I’ve got news: Summer bodies are made in the Winter. And we are well on our way to Spring. I wish I had the ability to give you the confidence to rock shorts and a bathing suit come Memorial Day, …
Reassessing the Resolution
January 1, the holy day of goal setting, promising intentions and overachieving resolutions. With the end of the month approaching, we felt it was time to check-in. Did you go too big with those resolutions? Goal setting can be like a really bad hangover. It felt promising in the moment, and you thought you could handle it…. but now you’re beating …
How to Break Up with Sugar
Sugar pie honey bunch…let’s keep sweetness as terms of endearment. We’re here to put the kabash on this sugar sh!t, get smart and stay fit! The Real Facts: The American Heart Association recommends that women limit added sugars to 6 teaspoons, and men to 9 teaspoons per day. That’s the equivalent of 100 and 150 calories, respectively (not very much). However, …
3-Day Real Nutrition Reset Program
Sometimes we just need a reset, a few “no excuse days” to help with bloating, digestion, energy and focus. We’ve created a simple and delicious menu with Chef Cynthia Walt that will help flush out toxins and remove excess water while providing added nutrition to keep blood sugar balanced, cravings at bay and help you feel in control. The Real …
A Nutritionist’s Guide to Resolutions
We’re nearing the end of January, which means: a lot of us are freezing, you are either crushing your New Year resolutions, ready to give up on them or you are still searching for some. Am I right? I’m all for goals, reflection, self-improvement and powerful start dates but I’ve been practicing nutrition long enough to say with confidence that …
Trending: Hot New Healthy Foods
So among the many, many, MANY products we saw, where are the trends headed and which were our new (and old) favs? Keep on reading for what you should try and what you’ll be hearing about soon! Trend alert: Food companies with heart: Think “buy one, give one.” A common theme we saw were companies incorporating social good into their model. For …
Weight Loss Sabatoge
As a dietitian for more than a decade, I’ve heard it all when it comes to weight loss. In an effort to help squash the most common weight-loss myths, I’ve highlighted a few that are likely doing you more harm than good below. Are you guilty of any of these tricks? If so, maybe it’s time to change it up. …
Six Foundermade Favorites
We recently attended the The Foundermade Consumer Discovery Show which a well-edited list of up and coming brands in the food, beverage and beauty sector. For our June favorites, we’re highlighting the best of the brands we saw and encourage you to check them out! Lesser Evil – Popcorn is a great low-cal, high fiber snack that fills you up without filling you out. I’ve been a …
A Quick Guide to Supplements
Supplements. What once was counterculture is now mainstream and can be so very confusing! While overall I think this is a good thing, here are a few things to keep in mind: Do your research – there are many new and young companies jumping on the supplement bandwagon so it’s easy to be fooled (pretty bottles DO NOT equal best …