Bye bye winter, hello freezer!

March is National Nutrition Month! To celebrate and help you up your nutrition game this month we are focusing on your freezer! Yes, in 2022 the freezer is the new pantry! We’re not talking about TV Dinners, we’re focusing on simple freezer staples that make your life healthier and easier! Frozen foods allow for nutritious meals any time and because …

Dark Chocolate & Health Benefits

What if we told you eating dark chocolate promotes heart health? That’s right! Dark chocolate contains antioxidants called flavonoids, which lower the risk of heart disease. BOOM!! Dark chocolate can also decrease inflammation and is a tasty way to fill up on fiber and magnesium which will improve digestion and your mood! Sorry, we aren’t talking about Hershey’s or Dove …

Boosting Immunity in 2022

As we continue to live through the pandemic (over it!), as well as cold and flu season, boosting your immunity continues to be a hot topic.  Instead of buying expensive green powders and drinking excess amounts of Emergen-C (hint, large amounts of supplemental Vitamin C actually DECREASE absorption!) use these real solutions to boost immunity in simple, nourishing, and efficient …

Halloween Health Hacks

Halloween is approaching! For many, the Halloween candy rush can trigger sugar-filled snacking and sweetness overload. Did you know, the average child consumes about 3 cups (144 tsps) of sugar during the holiday (Yikes!). This can lead to brain fog, hyperactivity, tooth decay, decreased energy, increased weight, and high cholesterol. No thank you! The current recommendation suggests limiting added sugars to …

Our Favorite Fall Reset Tips!

I call early Fall the warm up to New Years in terms of fresh starts, goal setting and nutritional resets. You know that feeling after a more relaxed summer, a desire to clean out your closet, your pantry and your plate suddenly creeps to the forefront of your mind. Embrace this new energy and use it to your advantage.  As …

Spring Clean Your Diet

Feel like you need to spring clean your diet along with your closet this year?  We hear you! Say goodbye to comfort food and hello to ingredients that are light, bright and energizing.  Whether you are feeling puffy, sleepy, stressed or bored our Spring Reset Tips will have you feeling better in no time.  No cleansing, crash dieting or starving …

Staying Healthy While Staying Home

Well it isn’t news that we’re in uncharted territory right now with the immediate future unknown and our daily routines out of whack.  We’re uncertain, we’re emotional, and if we’re being honest we lack a sense of control. In times like this I like to focus on what I do have control over like what I eat, my behavior around …

One BIG Tip for a Healthier Holiday Season

The holidays are here! How can you stay on track while still enjoying the festivities and fun that the season brings. Our advice is simple and straightforward: Be prepared. When you spend a bit more time on the preparation end, it pays off in spades.   Pack a snack — Don’t leave the house without a healthy snack packed in your …

Top 5 Real Nutrition Approved Products From Expo East

Last month we headed to Expo East in Baltimore — the second largest natural food and product show in the US — to search out the latest and greatest nutrition products and trends for you guys.  As you all know, we don’t believe in trendy diets, but we wanted to give you guys a quick look into what you’ll be …