5 Things to Do MORE of This Year

Happy New Year! We’re sure that by now, you’re sick of all the “new year, new you” content, so we’re skipping that–however, we do know that NOW is the best time to start (or continue) crushing nutrition goals! Instead of telling you what to STOP doing or what to CUT OUT, we’re reframing nutrition goals and sharing 5 things that we hope you do MORE of in 2025.

1. Focus MORE on building muscle mass. We recommend lifting weights at least 2x/week.  

2. Focus on eating MORE healthy fats like avocado, olive oil and nuts.

3. Eat MORE of what you enjoy, but cook it at home! You control the ingredients i.e. less sugar & salt, clean oils!

4. Swap eating LESS for eating MORE protein, fiber and drinking MORE water! To keep you on track, let’s aim for the below:

   • Protein: 0.8-1 g/kg body weight

   • Fiber: 21-25g daily for women & 30-38g daily for men

   • Water: 80 – 100 oz daily

5. Focus on eating MORE fruits and vegetables–getting 5 servings daily, ideally broken down as:

   • 3 servings of vegetables: 1 serving = ½ cup cooked/1 cup raw

   • 2 servings of fruit: 1 serving = 1 piece or roughly 1 cup